it took me a while to warm-up to the spanish/catalan cuisine...but now, i'm actually [borderline] fond of it. despite my prior [incorrect] knowledge, the spanish have a certain luster for leaving out key herbs and spices needed to make food edible [their only condiment is olive oil.] words like "spicy" and "delicious" are more often used to describe people than food. needless to say, these days i am having a wonderful love affair with olive oil.
one thing that i do quite fancy here, and has become a staple in my refrigerator, is an indigenous packaged drink. yeah, it sounds gross already. it's called cacaolat.

the good thing about the below-par options of food is that it's forced me to do more cooking. i find myself day-dreaming up different dishes as i'm walking to work. i wake up looking forward to my daily market runs. i go through garlic like it's my job. [no...i am not solely gorging myself on cacaolat.] but all of the judging i have cast upon the spanish food has helped me to build up a nice little repertoire of personal [and mexican, italian, american, british...from my friends here] recipes.
tonight my friends are coming over [bottles of vino tinto in hand] and we're going to make homemade vegetable soup. yum. we plan on od-ing on herbs and spices.
I seriously laughed out loud about 4 times.
Plz don't overdose on herbs and spices lol
mmm you make me so hungry!
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