07 November 2009

rain & peace on park street.

today was chilly, rainy and gloomy (apropos for england in november i suppose). despite my overwhelming feelings of 'i-dont-want-to-leave-my-house-or-do-anything', i forged the rain and went on a stroll to the market....then to a cafe to study. it was nice to sit inside and drink my tea watching the world, the wind and the rain go by outside.

(saturday in caffe nero)

on the way home (after it had cleared up a little bit) i happened upon this little old lady who had also forged the rain, but she was doing it for a cause. i wonder if she had felt the same way that i had this morning, not wanting to leave her (seemingly adorable) little flat, not wanting to do anything, but deciding instead to do something. and i wonder if she'll do it again tomorrow.

(peace on park street)

1 comment:

hilarydarling said...

this reminds me of forging the rains in barcelona, lap tops under arm, boots sloshing through the puddles, trying not to slip on the cobblestones. rain can be comforting.