sundays are great. they just might be my favorite day. i like the whole "let's not do anything" mentality that many people grasp on this glorious beginning [or ending?] of the week.
this past sunday my friend kate and i decided to keep up this "do nothing" routine, and just bum around town. we went to grab a hearty [and by hearty, i do not mean heart-healthy] breakfast of churros con chocolate at this adorable place in el born...[with the blue doors].
then we hit up this pleasant little organic market to toil over the many meals we hope to cook [thanksgiving is approaching!] and we saw this...

we were laughing hysterically...a package of ham [jamon cocido] with a child on it? it's no secret that the people of spain are head over heels for pork...but this might be a little much.
that night my friends and i had a dinner party. for some reason everything seems like more of a celebration here [even the organic market runs.] dinner consisted of vino tinto [more or less, my mouth is purple from friday night to sunday evening] amazing apple, raisin, onion and tomato salad, baguette with cheese and chocolate bars. yum!
sundays, how i adore thee.